Thursday 22 March 2012

Israeli Arabs will stymie both the Jews and the Arabs (Dr. Pipes).

Arab Israelis will choose to be disloyal Israelis and refuse to become loyal Palestinians.  Israel won't solve its Arab problem and the hostile Arab neighbours won't be able to solve their Israel problem.  Dr. Pipes who speaks Arabic is just back from interviews in Israel with Arabs and Jews.  From pjmedia The Tatler's report:
Dr Daniel Pipes
"Muslim citizens of Israel will continue to grow in numbers, skills, and confidence, becoming simultaneously more integral to the country’s life and more ambitious to throw off Jewish sovereignty.
…as Israel overcomes external threats, Israeli Arabs will emerge as an ever-greater concern. Indeed, I predict they represent the ultimate obstacle to establishing the Jewish homeland anticipated by Theodor Herzl and Lord Balfour…
Ironically, the greatest impediment to these actions will be that most Israeli Arabs emphatically wish to remain disloyal citizens of the Jewish state (as opposed to loyal citizens of a Palestinian state). Furthermore, many other Middle Eastern Muslims aspire to become Israelis. These preferences, I predict, will stymie the government of Israel."

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