Wednesday 11 April 2012

Why can't the press be as honest as this guy?

Reporter Bob Owens helped lead the charge to damn Zimmerman. (Why I called George Zimmerman a murderer and why I was wrong).  Now point-by-point he walks back nine false narratives he bought into over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. We all tend to be suckers for a breaking story that bleeds.  It takes courage to admit we were wrong. Bob re-submits his original story and writes:
How naive that post now seems. The narrative created by the media at that time was one of an innocent life taken for no reason at all, by a much older, heavier, and racist man itching for a confrontation.

Being able to live with a measure of uncertainty is a sign of maturity. The rush to file new developments in old folders condemns us to repeat the worst of history.  As Peter Drucker wrote, making decisions under conditions of uncertainty is the skill of a good manager. (Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices 1979.).   Schools would do us a service to hint to their students that such a skill exists.

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