Friday 27 February 2015

The Law That Applies To Raising Children Is Parkinson's.

The role of parents has been transformed by downsizing the family to one or perchance two rug rats.  In summer, my generation roamed the neighbourhood and far beyond with hordes of other kids and generally were back in time for supper and bed.  That was it.  No one had time to fuss over every minute of our disorganized lives.

Now it's dawn to dusk supervision by otherwise underemployed adults.  Now it's  the car shuttle to T-ball where your preschooler gets coaches and uniforms.   Junior can't even walk home on his own, balancing on the fence in a back lane, without Mom and Dad being badgered by Social Services.  There are a lot of parents and appended busybodies who are spending time and money that should be skipped.    Is this an employment scam or simply Parkinson's Law that work expands to fill the time available?


  1. Back in the day - and this is ancient history - most of the families around us had one or two children. But we were free-range. Our offsprings - not so much, except on vacation where we were at a small lake and let them do some roaming. The grandbrats - will try to give them free-range as much as we can without being arrested for child abuse.

  2. Back in the day - and this is ancient history - most of the families around us had one or two children. But we were free-range. Our offsprings - not so much, except on vacation where we were at a small lake and let them do some roaming. The grandbrats - will try to give them free-range as much as we can without being arrested for child abuse.
