Tuesday 17 June 2014

Deadbeat government gets butt kicked.

SCOTUS ruled 7:1 against the Republic of Argentina today even though the US Government begged the Supreme Court to go easy.  Will sovereign nations (read "politicians") now find it harder to default, losing their traditional "privilege" to do so? Argentina defaulted in 2001 on bonds that it had double deep cross your heart promised to pay honourably.  SCOTUS says Argentina must disclose where it has overseas assets that the plaintiff (NML Capital Ltd.) could collect on.  The peso plunged.   (Summarized from The American Interest article.)
President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner unveils new money.

In related reading from John Mauldin:

"The financial world is beset by sovereign debt in nearly all corners.  (This is) reshaping the investing landscape (to a degree)unprecedented in human history.  Central bankers exacerbate this debt bomb by expanding central bank balance sheets, pressing interest rates to the floor, and trying to quantitatively ease the global economy back to widespread prosperity."

Sovereign debt is floating upwards like the sweet smell of farts in the outhouse and by large percentages even in the last six years.
A diverting little chart, also from Mauldin:

Westjet sign and bedside tables reveal the Petroboom. UPDATE

Outside tiny Oliver in the South Okanagan is this billboard from Westjet.  Petrobucks are big ones and if you  live in cities near the 49th parallel, you may not know it.  We rarely have ten people at work in our shop but three of them went north hoping to make their fortune last year.

Digital edition is
more common now
Handy to your pillow.
I've travelled across the prairies by car in recent years.  Every motel has two books in the night table.  The first is the Canadian Oilfield Service and Supply Directory and the second is Gideon's Bible.  You probably don't know how to find Three Hills, AB, on a map, it's so tiny, pop 3200.  But it has a Super 8 and a Best Western motel with the yard full of oil field trucks and more than 130 busy rooms.  They look like heavy truck sales lots.
Not what you expect in a little village
and another like it just down the road.
UPDATE:  I talked to a salesman from Kelowna.  5000 people work in the Fort Mac oil field area and live around Kelowna, actively commuting.   Allowing for the multiplier effect creating secondary jobs in Kelowna and allowing for family size, that's over 20,000 people feeding on Fort Mac directly and indirectly.
UPDATE: Our dinner guest flew out of St. John's, NFLD at 5:30 a.m. recently and they were welcomed aboard the "Fort Mac Express".

Monday 16 June 2014

"Clanking of the swords" though bloody is an ISIS movie, not a news report.

Difficult to watch this ISIS self-promotion video.
Drive by murders of unarmed men in cars looks like a video game gone horribly wrong.
And it's celebrated in Allah's name.

1.  This is a movie, not a news report.  It's purpose is to alarm and demoralize the enemy (that includes you, dear reader). It's purpose is to recruit young hot heads.  Works on both levels.
2.   Note that some of the warriors are kitted out professionally and have infrared goggles being used for night raids.  The preponderance of newspaper photos shows a rather rag tag lot of men but this one hour video shows a high percentage with professional uniforms.
3.   Note that every time something goes kaboom, it is presented three times with slow motion added.  This means the supply of actual events was much smaller than the promoters want us to believe.
4.   There are some professional values in the movie like the closing scene of the flag carrier walking majestically, split screens showing a prisoner now and in his public life, lots of Islamic quotes with subtitles and a near continuous musical score with chanting.
5.    The score had to have been mostly written before the attacks began.  The loader being used to tear down barracks didn't just happen to be handy. To embed video clips of prisoners from before they were captured and to do it while the action was still happening bespeaks a significant budget and priority being given to the film makers.
6.    The leader who rants and then pulls out his sword that a second person appears to have been holding in readiness ... makes me think of Attila the Hun.   That invasion fell apart since it wasn't designed to hold territory but that didn't happen overnight.
7.     If you've watched other Middle East preaching clips on MEMRI, you'll appreciate that ranting with "death to infidels and sons of monkeys" rhetoric is a skill set widely employed by Islamic notables.  The ranter picks up the mike and keys in the rant program.
8.     Killing  is glorified.  This isn't something new.  It's Islam from day one.      "Honour" is repeatedly mentioned because Arab culture is an honour culture.  It doesn't mean what you think it means.
9.     Notice the laptop with a personnel database being used at a check point.  This is US technique being used in the confusion of battle and likely includes stolen information.  This is high end technology that was put in place with advance planning and money.
10.   Loot is an effective financing technique.  Today's news shows Hummers being transported back to Syria from Iraq by the terrorists.  Yesterday's stories report hundreds of millions of dollars falling into the warrior's war chest.
11.   The military vehicles that are destroyed are taken out by roadside bombs in some cases and by RPG's and by high power guns.  The new factor seems to be more guns capable of damaging military vehicles.
12.   There are a couple repentance meetings available to those who aren't being killed immediately.  This is old fashioned conversion at the point of the sword which got Islam started in the first place.
13.    The warrior's ferocity is directed almost entirely at Shia Muslims.
14.    Their creed is supranational.  There are two scenes involved with destroying passports.

Friday 13 June 2014

Bitcoin software can replace the ballot box.

Bitcoin is the topic du jour but is at bottom a privacy tool applied to money, an anonymizing security protocol.   Researchers at the University of Waterloo applied it to voting to create a secure and unique vote that can't be traced back by the people who count them.   Participation could jump and corrupt political machines (where present) will lose some grip.  The method can be extended to voting even on parliamentary bills. Why rely on representatives in Ottawa when we can represent ourselves?  (Trick question.)
"The trick to bitcoin might be that it doesn't have to be a currency at all. Maybe cryptocurrency’s fundamental value is as a security protocol—a safe, anonymous, hack-proof network that decentralizes trust and democratizes power. ...  Online voting in its current form— is very vulnerable to fraud, cyberattack, and government corruption. The theory is that the bitcoin security protocol matched with anonymizing software and a totally open source voting infrastructure would solve for a lot of these problems.  Like a bitcoin transaction, the entire process is recorded in the blockchain public ledger, repurposed to verify votes and avoid voter fraud. So instead of placing your trust in a central authority like, say, the ballot counters tallying up hanging chads in Florida, the network is anonymous but transparent, and audited by the crowd.
"Just replace a coin in your head with a vote, and run it the exact same dynamic,"  (Link to story at Motherboard.)
From the source of the source at New Scientist:
(Researchers) "at the University of Waterloo, also in Ontario, realised they could convert a message - for example, a list of codes that securely link voters to their votes - into a Bitcoin address. Sending a tiny fraction of a bitcoin - a small transaction - to that address would allow the holder of that list to store it in the public record without revealing its contents. When they later publish the message for verification, anyone can repeat the conversion to a Bitcoin address and confirm its age by checking the public record.
Faking Bitcoin's public record would be very difficult as you'd need more computing power than the rest of the Bitcoin network combined - a feature that ensures the currency's security".
 One man person featherless biped, one vote.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Solar X flare video of eye-popping beauty from NASA

I did not dream to see such beautiful film from the reaches of space in my lifetime.  Here is NASA's video from June 10-11th.  Watch in full screen.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Blood on Obama the Innocent.

Obama's smarter-than-thou disengagement will take tens of thousands more lives.  He skipped a status of forces negotiation so he could skedaddle from Iraq.  Reading that Mosul fell to ISIS and half a million people are fleeing Tikrit (where Saddam was captured), while beheadings spurt and almost half a billion dollars is taken from Iraqi banks into terrorist pockets.... makes me beyond spitting mad, beyond contempt for the world view Obama so well espouses.  He is always innocent, finding out about stuff by reading the newspapers.

John Hinderaker takes a different view:  Arab culture is the problem.
"It looks as though the many sacrifices that we and our allies made to overthrow Saddam Hussein and establish a semblance of a modern democracy in Iraq will be in vain. It is tempting, and maybe correct, to blame the Obama administration for Iraq’s descent into chaos. But after the surge, Iraq had a good opportunity to build a functioning society, a growing economy, and a legitimate, self-governing country. American troops could not forever be the guarantor of relative peace in Iraq.
In my view, the Iraq war was fought, in part, to answer a critical series of questions. The first was, are Arabs capable of self-government? A further question was, will helping Arab countries to build modern, normal, self-governing societies be enough to destroy the appeal of radical Islam for young Arabs? The effort, in my opinion, had to be made, and Iraq was the logical, if not the only, place to begin. At this point, however, it is hard to be optimistic about the results of that effort. Arab culture is deeply dysfunctional. Expansionist, homicidal Islam is the most potent ideology in the region".
The Genesis forecast that there would always be trouble with Abraham's Arab kids by his Egyptian wife, is tempting to believe, although a sober review of the text de-emphasizes that.
(Ishmael) “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers” (Genesis 16:12 NIV).
“His descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur. And they lived in hostility toward all their brothers” (Genesis 25:18).

Tracking tag on Great White Shark points to giant predator.

A three meter Great White Shark was tagged and disappeared.  Months later the device, still functioning, washed up on an Australian beach.  Data showed the Great White suddenly accelerated to a depth of 580 metres and the surrounding temperature rose from 7C to 25C.    Something really big grabbed it, dragged it 1900 feet below the surface of the ocean and warmed the device by sticking it and the aforementioned shark in its belly.  What ate the shark?

I like how a bloody death is inferred from such a harmless digital file.  If you read the article, it becomes clear that this happened 11 years ago and the reason we are reading about it today is promotion for a movie, "Hunt for the Super Predator" due to air on the Smithsonian Channel June 26th.
Great link bait photo used by The Independent in its story. See link.

Monday 9 June 2014

Fossil record shows men are specialized to fight.

Reported in Discovery:
The researchers found that bones that suffer the highest rates of fractures in fights are the same parts of the skull that exhibited the greatest increase in sturdiness during the evolution of our early human relatives. These bones are also the parts of the skull that show the greatest difference between males and females in both australopiths and humans today.
"In other words," Carrier said, "male and female faces are different because the parts of the skull that break in fights are bigger in males. Importantly, these facial features appear in the fossil record at approximately the same time that our ancestors evolved hand proportions that allow the formation of a fist."

Source article. 

Do you have the copyright on your own DNA? Insurers would like to see your genetic report. Welcome to a world without privacy.

This is a little scary but it's coming. Can you refuse to let the life insurance company see your DNA?  You let them take a drop of blood to check for a few things including drugs but suppose they spend a few bucks to do your whole genome?  Lawmakers are putting up little barriers but your DNA will be like a piece of gossip that someone will divulge somewhere sometime in your life.  It's under $1000 already and three quarters of a million Americans have had at least partial sequencing.

I talked to a GP back from a Hawaiian medical conference and this was one of the issues discussed there.  There are some costly health problems that can be guessed at before your baby is born and that little kid may never ever be eligible for health insurance.

From an NYT story:  Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, asks potential customers in Massachusetts about genetic testing — and stipulates that refusing to share results could lead to a declined application or an extra premium. Jean Towell, a spokeswoman, says applicants are told “out of fairness” that insurers have the right to decline coverage if any medical information is omitted. .... 12 other companies ask no explicit questions about genetic testing. But when Dr. Green asked company executives why not, he said, “at least one of them has told me, ‘We would do this, but we don’t want to be the first.' ”

Saturday 7 June 2014

Google satellites will compete with Big Brother

Google has announced a $1 billion plus plan to circle the globe with hundreds of low-orbit quick-ping satellites.  Privately owned-satellites parked above Tiananmen square, Tehran and Pyongyang point to governments losing control over what their captive populations see and hear.   They also point to "the other three billion" people on earth getting convenient affordable communications and internet access. (This is the stated business plan from Google. It started with the o3b network.)  Google also complicates the picture by introducing more competition for snooping on us.  Google, the NSA, the GPS people, and all the broadband satellite companies have competing business models.  They will still know far more about us and than we consider decent but the divided ownership will give us more options.

It's probably going to be cheaper too.
And have fewer blank spots where some government says "Don't peek".
Military implications.

Friday 6 June 2014

Tipping point in Mexico

Cartels are getting more money from mining than drugs, moving from thuggery to the Robber Baron stage. Can national government be many decades off?  As reported by Strategy Page:
Officials and national security analysts believe that the Knights Templar and the Zetas may have reached a “tipping point” in sources of income. The cartels may be making more money from non-narcotics related criminal operations. The Knights Templar and Los Zetas both make a lot of money in mining (Templars extracting iron ore, Zetas in coal). Both run extensive business extortion operations.
Davidson and Rees-Moog make the case in The Sovereign Individual that the opportunity costs and benefits of violence explain much of society.  Government and banditry, in their view, are on a continuum.  At the low end,  life is cheap and everyone poor.  At the high end, few people own the right to use violence and rewards are widely distributed to crony players and to civil servants but the size of the pie is so big that the insider who gets a small slice has more than the old time warlord who got all of his local little pie.

Matthew Jameson's book, "The Robber Barons" makes the case for this halfway step from brigandage to a prosperous economy. The book summary at Amazon is below.  I've never forgotten the tale.  This looks like Mexico's future, creating societal institutions from the ground up at home.
The Robber Barons details the history of a small class of men who arose at the time of the American Civil War and swept into power. They were aggressive, and in important crises, nearly all of them tended to act without those established principles associated with the common people of the community. At the same time, many of them showed qualities of courage. These robber barons, as were their medieval counterparts, were the dominating figures of an aggressive economic age.
In their hands the renovation of American economic life proceeded relentlessly: large-scale production replaced the scattered, decentralized production; industrial enterprises became more concentrated, where they had been purely individualistic and wasteful. To organize and exploit the resources of a nation upon a gigantic scale, to regiment its farmers and workers into producers, and to do this only in the name of profit—is the great contradiction whence so much disaster, outrage and misery has flowed.
Matthew Josephson illuminates the story of industrial concentration in the United States, which is here pursued through the study of the major financial events and personalities between 1861 and 1901. This book also focuses on establishing the manner in which the country’s natural resources and arteries of trade were preempted, its political institutions conquered, and its social philosophy turned into an economic one, by the new barons. This is, by all odds, a classic study of the culture of American capitalism.

Thursday 5 June 2014

British Army has more horses than tanks

A thoughtful review of Britain's shrinking armed forces has this as link bait:  "The UK military has more horses than tanks; two admirals and thirteen captains for every ship of the line".   The deeper point is that the special military relationship between the US and the UK is drifting into irrelevance and the stability that offered is being replaced with uncertainty.  Canada's standing vis a vis the US will shift.

Read article at The American Interest.

Caution: Investors choose risk over caution in record numbers.

Chart from Global Economic Analysis:  The ratio of money put into hopes of growth compared to money parked on the sidelines is over four to one, a new high.  This may not be unsound when prospects are good but it is out in black swan territory where consequences are hard to guess.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Sea going down and up at the same time.

While alarmists sound the climate klaxons, sea and land go up and down  to their own tune.  Look at this chart off the Chesapeake coast of America.  Subsidence and rise of sea relative to land are everywhere and satellites tag it.  The blocks of land we inhabit are rafts bogged into moving molten muck with seawater sloshing around the crannies and hollows as stuff moves about.

Crater, page 20 of Chesapeake report.

Distrust ecopoliticians painting good and evil on a simple canvas.  The earth is still rebounding from the recent ice age as a mile thick layer of ice melted from Canada.  Ten thousand years ago, native people were migrating from the Prince Rupert area (through what is now the 100 ft deep Hecate Strait) to the Queen Charlotte/Haida Gwai area on foot.  Tectonic plates are grinding into each other and slipping past as one rises and one falls.   The study referenced by the chart even found a hitherto unknown but enormous meteor impact by the mouth of Chesapeake Bay which is still altering the land's response to the sea.   Worldwide you can see drowned coastlines (like the fjords of Norway and the west coast of BC) and emerging ones with lazy deltas and flats.  Not that long ago, the Thames and the Rhine emptied into the same bay and the settled areas of Doggerland in the North Sea (once the heart of Europe) subsided below the sea.
These maps are modern history since the last ice age.  The old landscape has been re-charted
under the mud of the North Sea and many artifacts of early settlement turned up.

Give me a gigantic break from THE-SEA-IS-RISING-THE-SKY-IS-FALLING alarmism.  How sea and land levels alter is a good topic of study and may even someday be well quantified.  That day is not yet.

Obama Presidency: Perverse in ways no other country in history would contemplate.

Paul Mirengoff at Powerline supplies the headline.

"Any country might do a prisoner swap, even if it meant freeing very bad people. But only an exceptional country would swap five leading terrorists in exchange for a deserter.
Any second-rate county might screw up in providing medical treatment for its veterans. But only an exceptional country would do so while at the same time providing a sex change operation for an ex-soldier who betrayed his country.
What Obama really believes in, of course, is his own exceptionalism. This belief is fully justified.
President Obama believes in American exceptionalism — his own version, in which American does things so perverse that no other country in history would even contemplate them."
Paul adds about Bergdahls:  Appeases a deadly enemy, makes like more dangerous for an ally we are about to abandon,  disregards American law, and does it on behalf of jihad sympathizers.   That warm hug with Obama was beyond inappropriate and topped off with Islamic praise in the Pashto language, the language of an enemy to whom Bergdahl fils apparently gave bomb making instruction.

Monday 2 June 2014

Angelina Jolie`s nose and the brains of a professor, coming to a crib near you.

DNA and reproductive technology predict the future:  We will have more choice but end up more alike than ever.  Can we even breed for voting tendency?   We will be like those monoculture fields of corn or beets of just a few genotypes, the ones you find on the seed shelf at the farmer's co-op.  Given the choice, there will be more blondies with noses like Angelina Jolie and more broad-shouldered dudes with near genius IQs.  This Atlantic article on where we`re heading with reproductive choice gets into the topic in section five.

I apologize for the misleading suggestion that professors are smarter than average people.  Their politics and 97% rate of agreement on global something suggest much is wrong in that department.

Saturday 31 May 2014

Don't legislate against violent video and porn.

The US army takes measures to reduce PTSD.  Showers, air conditioning and one holiday to anywhere per tour.  Most surprising to me is access to violent video games.   Not soothing music and picnics in the country but pretend violence is what it take to untwist some minds heading for crack-up.

From Strategy Page's longer article on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD):
It was also discovered, quite by accident, that the troop habit of playing violent video games, in between bouts of real combat, reduced combat stress. Mental health practitioners tested the use of violent video games for their PTSD patients, and found out that it worked.

In the past I went for the argument that violent games promote real-life violence. Now I see there's a strong argument that we will have a society with less violence when feelings about survival, rage, revenge, defence of your family and group,  can be acted on without victims.      The same seems to apply to pornography.
Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down.  (From "The Scientist").
While I was convinced in the past that viewing sexual parts and activity promoted lascivious behaviour that threatened marriages, it also seems likely that dispersing the sex drive into play in a never-never land, reduces the drive to engage in appropriate and inappropriate sex with live partners.

Pretend behaviour seems to reduce the trouble caused by acting undesirable stuff out in real life.  Be very cautious about introducing legislation to appease one crowd when the problem addressed has ambiguous outcomes.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Most polluted countries

This chart from WHO shows China well down the list.  Does it mean something that the five worst offenders are Islamic?  And what does PM2.5 mean?  This is a catchall definition of pollution that includes all particulate matter under  2.5 micrometers in size.  That means four hundred specks would make a row less than one millimeter long.  This is stuff that you breathe in and out and can float for ages in the breeze.  H/T  Zero Hedge.

I love capitalism

My prosperous neighbours seem to hate it but I love capitalism.  What the heck do they think it is?  In their lives they feel free to use their time and assets to prosper their family, and why shouldn't they? A financial guy and a professional guy expressed their disdain of capitalism to me recently at dinner.   Is their scorn for capitalism a moral judgement on the greedy with the presumption that those who prosper most covet most?  The history of philanthropy disproves it.   Is it contempt for the three BIGS who rig the markets, big business, big labour and big government?  That's not capitalism. Those are the three tools that  subvert it.

The free-est markets I've ever seen are yard sales.  People sell what they want where they wish and make deals with each other, even re-selling to newcomers as they walk back to the car with their prize.

From the Merriam Webster dictionary:  Generally your choices instead of the government's and mainly free markets.  In a civil society.

The sky is always falling

The sky is always falling and climate change but the latest excuse.  The goal posts keep moving but the stifling prescription does not.
"The Left doesn’t really believe in climate change. Their true religion is raising taxes, increasing government, impeding capitalism and reducing national sovereignty. Climate change is just a temporary excuse to achieve those ends".
Gabriel of Ricochet.com  makes it sound funny in a well-written piece as the left segues from ice age to DDT to aerosols to global warming to more natural gas to less natural gas.

Is "Left" the right word for people who seek status and power through alarmism and hijacking collective piggy banks?