Located at 71 49’19.73″N 29 33’06.53″W (Use Google Mars )
Noticed by David Martines. "Over 700 feet long and 150 feet wide. It looks like it's a cylinder or made up of cylinders"
(h/t Hot Air)
And an embedded Martines video zooming into Google Mars.
ADDED April 8 2014 Last week the Mars rover, Curiosity, photographed an artificial light nearby. Or is it a transmission glitch?
Added: See holes in the moon the size of football fields. The temperature at the bottom of the holes is steady and survivable at about 40 below. It's a good place for people to start a colony.
Santa Maria Crater photo by Mars Rover "Opportunity". |
Rover photographed from Space at same time. |
Mars Daily is a good source of new stories and photos.
Added: Another oddity: Giant dust cloud appeared on Mars. What crashed?
Click to enlarge |
Added: February 2013 a wind-sculpted bit of rock sticks up, looks like it has metal buttons.
Added January 2014. What's this? Overnight a hollowed-out rock appeared beside the Mars Rover.
The article speculates that the Rover flipped it there from a wheel or a meteorite scrap landed. Sort of like a doughnut out of nowhere. What the heck happened? Why would they mention something as rare as a meteorite fragment in the same breath as something the tire threw up? Because they really don't believe a tire could have done that.
Left over from when the Masters of Mu tried to colonize.