Thursday, 15 March 2012

AB Government and Teachers' unions conspire to conceal school performance from parents.

The PAT standardized tests in Grade 3 and 6 will be suppressed in Alberta.  An apparent promise made by Premier Redford to the teachers' union will be implemented says Education minister, Lukaszuk  He wants to prevent parents from comparing schools.   This became "a problem" when the Fraser Institute started reporting the public data with an easy-to-search list of the results for each school in the province of Alberta, each year..
Thomas Lukaszuk
"Any new tests will be designed so that neither parents nor anyone else can use the test results to compare the academic performance of students at one school with those at another. Lukaszuk has decided that any such comparisons—particularly those contained in the Fraser Institute’s Report Card on Alberta’s Elementary Schools—are “a misuse of the data"."

Here's the Fraser Institute's searchable list,
and their comment on the news:
"ALBERTA TO ELIMINATE PROVINCIAL TESTING  Thomas Lukaszuk, Alberta’s education minister, calls our school performance reports a misuse of provincial test results. He claims they mislead you and he wants to redesign the tests so we can no longer produce the reports.  Our school performance reports are valid and used by many thousands of thoughtful parents each year. We believe that you, Alberta’s parents, should have the right to decide how to use them."

The Fraser Institute gives complete report cards for every school in BC AB QC ON and the state of Washington.

I feel ashamed to hear a report like this out of Alberta which is governed by a party that uses the name "conservative" dishonourably.

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