Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Make a nation of snoops to save us from Big Brother

There's a cure for Big Brother, for NSA overreach, for Government spying on your phone and charge card. Level the playing field so the little guy can push back and snoop too.
Introduce a little competition.
Think about it:
Look up any licence plate, just like the cops.Find out where the spam phone calls and emails are coming from.   See who is looking at your credit data.
Find out who has been checking out your Facebook page.
Look up the location of CCCT cameras in your city.
Check fearlessly how foreign policy is being made without being devious like Wikileaks and Snowden.

It's scary how the big guys can check us out, but it's not going to go away any more than having a rule that men should never glance at women's breasts will put an end to that.
It's also scary to have information overload about almost everyone becoming available to almost everyone.
It's the choice for adults, though.
We have dipped our toes into the flood with the speed-of-light internet and our smartphones
and cannot stop there, half-knowing, half-ignorant.
Our institutions are all going to change, our politicians and our newspapers, the meaning of wealth and the importance of jobs.  With this will change the associations large and small that we create to navigate this life.
I like my privacy but the meaning of private is changing too.

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