The reporters largely don't want to rock the boat.
The network managers are busy scanning the New York Times and Huffington Post and the Washington post to find out what has been defined as "news". Then they send their reporters out to cover the same ground with a little distinctive spin. New stories are not wanted and new stories that make the White House or Democrats or sponsors look bad are slow-walked and stopped. (The one bright light: Unwanted stories may make it into the web edition despite being studiously ignored in newscasts.)
It's disgusting. I don't think it's going to be fixed. The government under Obama and Holder and company have gotten too good at disabling inquiry. The owners of the networks are too lost in sniffing each other's bums to find out what's for dinner. The internet can be suppressed, as China has almost proven, but it is a wild wild west by comparison to network TV news. Look to the internet for the missing viewpoints and fight to protect the freedoms it enjoys.
Sharyl Atkisson is pretty good at what she does. When being pumped and mined, she pushes back with bold well-documented questions that I wouldn't have had the balls to pose. ("Don't ask me what was said. You had your people at the meeting!" (No, we didn't). "Yes you did." (Names names))
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