Saturday 2 November 2019

Culture, family and government are losing layers of management. Big changes coming.

Cheap speed-of-light communication is doing away with layers of management. The person at the end of the line is almost as informed as the person at the front of the line, and can make decisions accordingly.  Large corporations (which have only existed for a few centuries) have shed layers of management but less obviusly government and culture are doing the same.  In large corporations, there are fewer subsidiary bosses than fifty years ago.  Government with layers of senators, elected representatives, ministries, committees, lobbyists, parties and NGO's are being faced with the same challenge.  The voter on the street can easily be more informed than elected representatives were a hundred years ago.  The same challenge is happening in culture, and is especially so for the narratives that hold society together to share common values about what family is for, about children, about life and death.

What does it meant to lose a layer of management in culture?  For one thing, kids are educated in a monoculture with a few adults and hundreds of data -bleeding peers.  For another thing, kids from a one child parent family who are in turn descended from a child of a one parent family.......have no siblings, no brothers and sisters.  They also have no aunts and no uncles and no cousins.  The nuclear family has parents and grandparents and everybody elese is society.   This in turn means that government and popular culture are being recruited to structure what faith and kinship used to look after.   Neither is properly fit for such a role and both will change profoundly and rapidly over the next few tens of years.

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