Sunday 19 April 2020

A Hierarchy of Heterarchies Saving Us From Excesses of Coronaviralism And Acronymic Despots

Astonishingly, President Trump has promoted federalism over a unitary executive for the economy to recover. His guidelines have stirred very little acrimony because they sound responsible.  They leave all implementation to the invididual states but define a metric, just like "weights and measures" is a core job of central government.  ( Article 1 Section 8, Congress shall have power "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures". )

  Christopher DeMuth of the Hudson Institute writes:
Throughout history, national emergencies have led to a more powerful and centralized federal government and to the transfer of federal power from Congress to the executive branch. This time, the federal response rests largely on state and local government and private enterprise, with a wave of deregulation clearing the way. The Trump administration has seized no new powers, and Congress has stayed energetically in the game. .... When asked why he has not issued orders for nationwide home and business lockdowns, he has emphasized that the intensity of the epidemic varies widely and is best met by calibrated state and local judgments—and added pointedly that such steps would conflict with the Constitution.

This is consistent with Presdent Trump's approach to international deals, calling for bilateral and multilateral agreements instead of relying on a centralizing formula with WTO, UN, WHO, International Court and so on.

Look up "Heterarchy".    He opts for heterarchy over hierarchy.  A little more accurate is a slightly disordered hierarchy of heterarchies, to describe the whole field of world trade and the whole of US federalism.  A heterarchy has redundancy with some nodes having more than one way of influencing more distant nodes.  A hierarchy allows top-down control.

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