Wednesday 9 September 2020

Sturgis: Experts pratfallen, Infection almost zero.

 Almost half a million people went to Sturgis this year.  (460,000).  Including out-of-state totals, some 260 new infections reported.  One of them died.    

Pratfallen experts predicted a quarter million new infections costing the US health system $12, billion dollars.  Headlines continue to appear even after the event, some even claiming the 250,000 infections had actually happened.    (e.g. write up in Houston Chonicle).   Instead of a "superspreader event", came proof positive that public fellowhsip is almost totally safe now.

Related:  Surging caseloads in Britain are not showing up in hospitals and morgues.  The first time around the old and weak were dropping.  This time around it's mostly younger people  who get sniffles or are even unsympyomatic.  While crazed UK leaders are making gatherings of more than six people illegal, the storm has actually passed.

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