Wednesday 29 September 2021

Fatties: You are next! "Please scan your BMI passport to enter".

One app to rule them all is where we are heading.
Government wants to be that app.
Everyone will have to be on the net and you'll have a connected device whether you want one or not, in order to be granted civil freedom.
The vaccine passport perfectly advances the master app.
Your medical information bleeds into the public sphere.
Your whereabouts are trackable and it's for your own good.
China just got a headstart on Canada with social scores and staged permissions to travel by plane or bus.

Everything said about getting the jab works just as well for flagging fatties 
and shrinking liberties.
"Please scan your BMI passport to enter".
Restricting your rights as a citizen until your BMI is in the approved range is for your own good and for the good of your family and will save billions of health dollars.
If you try to enter a restaurant, your behaviour could be flagged by GPS as easily as by scanned passport.
If you want to enter a gym, no problem.
It's for your own good.   A lot of people agree with the idea that fat people should be told very firmly they have to lose weight,  since their weight is a burden on society and generally they got fat by their own choices.

Why am I picking on fatties?  Because I hear Covid-19 conversations that ask why the jab is so important for kids and people with natural or acquired immunity when obese people who are high risk for diabetes and many other expensive disabilities are not being shamed.  Our culture loves to promote the goodness of healthy kale and jogging and fitbits and slenderness.   The 20-30% who have Basal Metabolism Indexes in the obese range are a natural target.

So, fatties, you are next.

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