Thursday 4 November 2021

GOOGLE or DUCKDUCKGO, Will they tell you if the Pfizer needle for kids changes the buffer or adds a heart attack medicine?


GOOGLE bombs.  DUCKDUCKGO informs.

You are sure to read:
"Pfizer vaccine for kids 5-11 is safe". (The buffer to keep mRNA stable has been revised)
and you may also read:
"Pfizer vaccine of kids has added an ingredient used to treat heart attacks". (They know the vaccine may cause heart damage).
If you don't know much about biology, can you choose?

The short answer is "No", but I compared GOOGLE and DUCKDUCKGO for a clue November 4th, searching "Tromethamine pfizer kids vaccine" in the past month.

First, GOOGLE.
The first three results are about "authorized", not about Tromethamine.
The first mentions of "Tromethamine" are in the 8th and 9th results.
The results total is an astonishingly low 75 with most on the second page being foreign language.
I didn't see a result to answer my question.

The first seven results all address "Tromethamine".
There are far more results (English language too).
I found out what I wanted to know.

What did I learn?  Yes, Tromethamine is sometimes used to stabilize heart attacks by injection directly into the heart.  Yes, Tromethamine ("Tris") is a successful buffer for keeping mRNA from breaking down.  (Messenger RNA is the active ingredient in the vaccine).

What can we take a guess at?  Alarmists may be going too far too fast with the "heart attack" angle.  Tromethamine isn't used to prevent inflammation of the heart muscle. So it probably has no role in covering this threat to young kids.  Also, because Google skirts the topic and looks sneaky, emphasizing authority rather than science,  it's easy to believe in the possibility (likelihood?) there is an undisclosed ulterior purpose at Pfizer.  They've played tricks with data before.

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