Sunday 7 November 2021

Team Obama vs Team Clinton still in play: "Bill Barr was the Bondo application, John Durham is the spray paint".

This is a new angle to me and rings true.  The divisions in the past White House between Team Obama and Team Clinton haven't gone away.  Durham is going after a few players that were close to Team Clinton and remote from Team Obama because the latter team is still in power, stocking Biden's white house.  Comments from Sundance below:

"Bill Barr was the Bondo application, John Durham is the spray paint.

No one from within the Obama loyalist camp will be touched by Durham. However, those who were in the Clinton camp can be targets of Durham depending on how close they are to the proximity of the dividing line between Clinton and Obama. Those who are close to the Obama line are more safe than those who are distant from it. That’s what we are seeing with John Durham.

Team Obama were radical progressives with idealistic objectives to fundamentally change America. Team Clinton were power hungry politicians from a traditional Democrat perspective. The Clintons focused on power for the benefit of their own affluence and gain. In essence, team Obama were true believers (communists). Team Clinton were following their traditional path looking for power and wealth (crony capitalists)."

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