Thursday 23 December 2021

Athlete Collapses and Deaths 2021

The chart covers just one year, 2021.
The December results are probably imcomplete and should be disregarded.
However, the October peak and November decline may well be real.
That November decline holds out the hope that  damage may be short term during the vaccine's active phase and not long term damage, but one hopeful month isn't enough data.

This chart turned up in an arrticle reporting that the American Pilots Association magazine was recording extremely high deaths this year.  If you chase that story down, you'll find it's bogus.  Death tallies refer mostly to retired pilots and sometimes past year deaths aren't reported to the Association for a year or two.  This produces a misleading 2021 tally with over 100 2021 deaths and under 10 2020 and 2019 deaths.   Actually, reported deaths in 2021 are down a bit from the two previous years.

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