Wednesday 22 December 2021

Paxlovid almost as good as off-patent Ivermectin? Dr. John Campbell reports the research in 22 minutes Video.

All in one place, Dr. Campbell presents the science comparing Pfizer's patented Paxlovid pill to off-patent Ivermectin.  They have different architectures which means Pfizer can patent Paxlovid.  However, both can be turned to AFTER developing Covid-19 symptoms.  Both inhibit the snipping power of the same enzyme.  The Covid-19 virus relies on the 'CL-3 protease' snipper enzyme to chop our own protein down to shorter lengths that the virus can use to build copies of itself.  Annoyingly, it appears that inexpensive Ivermectin handily beat the other 23 drugs that researchers checked out as candidates to be repurposed.  It hobbled the novel coronavirus, but is actively disallowed in many countries and forums.  Don't worry about this being fringe science.  Links to the full research papers are included at every step.

Pro tip:  You'll get better results from DuckDuckGo than from Google for questioning Covid-19 narratives.      Confession:  I wanted to say "fora" instead of "forums" but prefer to be understood.

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