Monday 3 January 2022

Life Insurance Company Reports the Healthy are Dying in Record Numbers

 One America reports deaths in the 18-64 year category are running 40% above normal since the pandemic was declared.  One America which manages $74 billion in assets and consdiers itself woke, definitely not right-fringe, reports their colleagues are finding the same. "The data is consistent across every player in the business".  This is way more than a three standard deviation shift from the norm.

These policy payouts are to people who have paid in less than their heirs pull out.  This is not a stable situation. A big push will be coming from insurance companies to recognize this reality.

What is normal? This can't be all blamed on the pandemic.   The pattern of increased deaths in the middle age range (compared to US standard) has peaked in 2020 but had begun showing in the datasets as far back as 2000.   The rise pre-dates universal vaccines but includes near universal lockdowns and masking.  (The negative numbers for non-covid dates amongst the very elderly is probably an artifact of counting those deaths as covid ones.)      The chart shows how many 10,000's of deaths above the statistical norm happened in each 10 year age group.

UPDATE:  And disability claims are way up.

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