Sunday 16 January 2022

Recursive nesting: A truth test in a noisy environment.

 I am bombarded with conflicting narratives.  The narratives are slanted for influence and advantage and advanced for motives both noble and base.  Can I sort for what is true?  I'm going with a lesser question:  How can I sort for what is persuasively probative?

A single community of belief and culture does not exist.  Paradigms based on interpreting the position of the planets when I was born, the inspired Word of God, "science proves",  or simply "what everyone knows" absorbed from the nightly news and movie scene, are not universal.

I find a partial solution in fractals.  Fractals are chaotic but reveal similar patterning at different scales.  The example I like is a multiply branched fern frond.  The branch of the branch of the branch is somewhat similar to the mega branch.   I also like the imagery of atomic structure which has parallels to planetary structure which has parallels to galactic structure, although none of it exact.

"Recursive nesting" means I see a truth statement has application in different settings at different levels.  An observation about how my friends get along should have some transference to how city council runs and how I get along with my spouse, and how other mammals handle conflict.  "Recursive nesting" means when I collate statements about an event or policy from different sources, they should generally align, a bit like Pringle chips in the can.  When they don't align, that's a proof of untruths present in the narrative.   I recommend looking up or down a level rather than laterally sorting through competing narratives at the same political level.

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