Sunday 30 January 2022

VAX: The Cure is Worse than the Disease.

The first battleline was over the nature of the virus and what our response should be.
The second battline was over the nature of our response where mRNA and lockdown powers eclipsed science and even common sense.
The third battleline is emerging and it's a scary one.  Who will be held responsible for mass manslaughter? The greatest maiming and killing event of history is rising from the miasma of fear and overreach.  The death rate from all causes is rising and it won't be swept forever under a rug because it's the database of all insurance companies.  It's not just rising, the death rate from all causes is suddenly several standard deviations out of line.

This isn't mass murder but it begins to look like manslaughter.
The VAX promoters have more to worry about than the Lockdown promoters.
The people to fear are not the ones who refused the jabs.  Those people can handle being misinformed and lied to and they stood their ground.  Fear the jabbed who didn't accept responsibility and will say, "We trusted you and our kids and friends are damaged and dead"    These formerly willing victims will be the ones to fear. 

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