Thursday 4 November 2021

Simple fix for America

Democratic strategist Ruy Teixeira:
Democrats would be well-advised to focus instead on an inclusive nationalism that emphasizes what Americans have in common and their right not just to economic prosperity but to public safety, secure borders and a world-class but non-ideological education for their children. That’s much more likely to work than simply denying a lot of these issues are problems.

Ken's Diet Cheat Sheet

 Like they say, you manage what you measure.  Click for my one page editable diet cheat sheet, a spreadsheet all in grams. Add your favourites.  Delete "Jena's cinnamon buns".

GOOGLE or DUCKDUCKGO, Will they tell you if the Pfizer needle for kids changes the buffer or adds a heart attack medicine?


GOOGLE bombs.  DUCKDUCKGO informs.

You are sure to read:
"Pfizer vaccine for kids 5-11 is safe". (The buffer to keep mRNA stable has been revised)
and you may also read:
"Pfizer vaccine of kids has added an ingredient used to treat heart attacks". (They know the vaccine may cause heart damage).
If you don't know much about biology, can you choose?

The short answer is "No", but I compared GOOGLE and DUCKDUCKGO for a clue November 4th, searching "Tromethamine pfizer kids vaccine" in the past month.

First, GOOGLE.
The first three results are about "authorized", not about Tromethamine.
The first mentions of "Tromethamine" are in the 8th and 9th results.
The results total is an astonishingly low 75 with most on the second page being foreign language.
I didn't see a result to answer my question.

The first seven results all address "Tromethamine".
There are far more results (English language too).
I found out what I wanted to know.

What did I learn?  Yes, Tromethamine is sometimes used to stabilize heart attacks by injection directly into the heart.  Yes, Tromethamine ("Tris") is a successful buffer for keeping mRNA from breaking down.  (Messenger RNA is the active ingredient in the vaccine).

What can we take a guess at?  Alarmists may be going too far too fast with the "heart attack" angle.  Tromethamine isn't used to prevent inflammation of the heart muscle. So it probably has no role in covering this threat to young kids.  Also, because Google skirts the topic and looks sneaky, emphasizing authority rather than science,  it's easy to believe in the possibility (likelihood?) there is an undisclosed ulterior purpose at Pfizer.  They've played tricks with data before.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

US Presidency: Is the office becoming irrelevant?

Joe Biden didn't know what the reporter was talking about, settling large sums of money on each illegal immigrant.  Mr. Biden had an opinion but didn't have a clue.
Takeaway at    

"The President of the United States doesn’t know about what is going on in his own administration, because the office of the presidency is an irrelevant agency to the people who are operating behind the curtain."

Red tide in every single VA county

Every single county in Virginia is redder today, no exceptions, and the graphic makes it easy to remember.
If this is a tide, any clever politician will swim in the same direction now.  As others have pointed out, Manchin and Sinema will find it easier to stick to their guns and a few more Democrats than usual will retire from the battlefield to spend time with their families.   Best of all, the majority of the American electorate which likes to follow the familiar and successful, will lean red too.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Is this trucker wrong, that the supply chain is more screwed than you thought?

Yes there are Policy issues and Macro economic issues, 
Now A smart trucker (Ryan Johnson) shows his end.  Is he wrong?

It ain't going to be fixed soon.
You will soon be paying big premiums to get timely freight delivery from Amazon.
Truckers who are working 14 hour shifts won't be working 24 hour shifts.
Most truck companies will have nothing to do with the container business.

What the heck is "Fully Vaccinated"? Is it like "Fully Married"?

Until 2021, “fully vaccinated” was not a standard phrase, any more than “fully married” or “fully graduated from college.” Typically a person is considered “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated.”

Your consent is uninformed if -

Your consent is uninformed-
If you don't know what  CDC's VAERS is, and haven't glanced at it lately.
If you don't know about trending myocarditis in young immunized people.
If you don't know that your immune defences are depressed for a few weeks after vaccination.
If you haven't learned that Covid-19 is a disease of the blood system.
If you don't know some spike protein is built and pokes out of your blood vessel cells and triggers self attack.  (Antibodies patrolling your blood because of the first injection or because you caught the Covid previously think the spikes should be attacked).
If you don't know that some nations have very different results than ours.

It's probably too late for you, but please don't put your little kids at risk too.
The pressure to conform will be great.  Look at this Pfizer ad directed at kids to make them want to be Super Heroes.

Monday 1 November 2021

What do you make of this? Shock proof the 2020 election was crooked in parts of Wisconsin? Or just another ho-hum tale because we have no chamption to stand in the gap?


What do you think?

Cute convertible turned into Halloween Covid Spoof


Seen in my neighbourhood.

Is Manchin sly enough to have just positioned himself as the next President of the United States?

 Sundance's opinion here says yes, maybe he is that sly,

Today Joe Manchin moved to put Nancy Pelosi and the communists in checkmate.
Manchin has the support of the House democrats and House republicans but not the communists or AOC. 


Knight took Queen off the board….It is not coincidental that Manchin makes this statement today as the NBC poll showing massive drops in support for Joe Biden is being discussed widely. Manchin knows he is sitting in a spotlight of an inflection point; Manchin in is politically astute and cunning to the ways of politics. Manchin comes across as meek and mild-tempered, a man of reasonable disposition… but that doesn’t accurately portray his cunning. This is his chance to make a big move.
Senator Joe Manchin also knows that Democrats are going to implode.
Manchin is making a BIG club move by positioning himself as reasonable right now.
Manchin is testing his strength against the strength of Nancy Pelosi.
Manchin will likely be the #1 contender in 2024, he knows it.
Manchin is cunning.
Manchin is not only reaching out to ‘moderate’ registered Democrats….
Manchin is reaching the minds of registered Republicans
Manchin is a very worthy adversary.

I don't even know how to process this: Putin makes more sense than our 'leaders' whom he compares to Bolsheviks.

 From Peter Lucas in the Boston Herald:

"It's a given that Putin is a .. smooth charlatan who has a habit of making dissidents disappear. And Putin, a serial killer, is probably the last man to take seriously when he criticizes racism, or social injustice in the United States, the most open and freest country in the world. But he may have a point.
The Russian leader in his sly way, made some sense on the militant wave of woke-induced cancel culture and alleged racism that has so consumed the United States that it can’t think straight.

He brought up King’s remarks about judging people by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin.

“Countering acts of racism is a necessary and noble cause,” Putin said, “but the new ‘cancel culture’ has turned it into reverse discrimination, that is, reverse racism. The obsessive emphasis on race is further dividing people, when the real fighters for civil rights dreamed precisely about erasing differences and refusing to divide people by skin color.”

Putin mocked the new woke nomenclature of the left for calling people “parent number one and parent number two, birthing parent instead of mother, and human milk instead of breast milk because it might upset the people who are unsure of their own gender.”

“Incidentally,” Putin added, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of other opinions, different from their own. “I think this should remind you of something that is happening. And we see what is happening in the Western countries. It is with puzzlement that we see the practices Russia used to have and that we left behind.”

A more complete report on the Sochi speech is here at Moscow Times

Politics: The Ambrose Bierce definition

Politics, n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.

Sunday 31 October 2021

Minimum wage won't go to the poor, it will simply squeeze more young people out of the job market.

 From the Fraser Institute:

"92.3 per cent of minimum-wage earners in Canada don’t live in low-income families. In fact, the majority of minimum-wage earners in 2019 (the latest year of available data) were teenagers or young adults aged 15-24, many of whom live with their parents or other family members."

Don't talk to me about hiking minimum wage before dealing with this uncomfortable observation.

VAERS has been running for 30 years and hundreds of millions have been vaccinated for this and that but only in 2021 have deaths piled up.

 The first chart shows VAERS  (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) deaths for thirty years.
The second chart shows that cumulative vaccinations for other diseases are at the same level as vaccinations for Covid-19 but the deaths that were almost unnoticed until 2019 are now almost off the chart.  For God's sake, stop or slow down this madness.

Royal Luddites. Who knew horological conservators were a thing?

Queen Elizabeth has 1500 timepieces including 250 within Windsor Castle and a team of "horological conservators" spent the weekend turning them back an hour this weekend. (Daily Mail). Peek inside the royal family's timepieces as clocks go backwards

Ask questions.


Saturday 30 October 2021

DId you know NIH lists Ivermectin in "Antivral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of Covid-19"

We already know Ivermectin is safely prescribed in the millions for humans with parasites and we know, although you may not want to believe it, that almost all of 241 million-strong Uttar Pradesh state in India has zero active Covid cases on file after treating the population with Ivermectin, but you may not know that Ivermectin is actively being reviewed for treatmentof Covid-19 as this NIH document proves.

The FDA lists its approval for Ivermectin here.  If you read the caveats, Ivermectin hasn't been shown effective in some trials for Covid-19 treatment, Ivermectin (if given in doses large enough to treat a 1000 pound horse) is dangerous and although it's not clear, you should avoid Ivermectin which has been packaged for large animals.  Ivermectin in appropriate doses is NOT listed as a hazard.

By the way, here's what Ivermectin packaged expressly for humans looks like in India.

And if you're curious and from BC, here is the approved protocol for using Ivermectin (brand name Strometcol) to treat parasitic infections as published October 2018 before the hoopla.

PIgs can't fly but whales do in Nanaimo

 Seen from my window today in Nanaimo, a whale that flies.May be an image of body of water and nature

Covid Mandates are Changing the Brains of Politicians? Think Dopamine

How addictive is power?
So addictive that it alters the brain chemistry of people wielding it.
Below is excerpted from Spencer Fernando's pointed screed on BC today.

"Addicted to power.
Over the past year-and-a-half, politicians and public officials have dramatically expanded their power.  Unfortunately, power is addictive.
“Power, especially absolute and unchecked power, is intoxicating. Its effects occur at the cellular and neurochemical level. They are manifested behaviourally in a variety of ways, ranging from heightened cognitive functions to lack of inhibition, poor judgement, extreme narcissism, perverted behaviour, and gruesome cruelty.

The primary neurochemical involved in the reward of power that is known today is dopamine, the same chemical transmitter responsible for producing a sense of pleasure. Power activates the very same reward circuitry in the brain and creates an addictive “high” in much the same way as drug addiction. Like addicts, most people in positions of power will seek to maintain the high they get from power, sometimes at all costs. When withheld, power – like any highly addictive agent – produces cravings at the cellular level that generate strong behavioural opposition to giving it up.”

This means we must acknowledge that the brains of those in power are almost certainly different than they were a year-and-a-half ago, different in such a way as to want more and more power.  Much of this enjoyment of exercising power comes from the coercion-punishment relationship."