Saturday 20 November 2021


HORROR. Vaccinated and under 60 in the UK? You are twice as likely to die as the Unvaccinated. UK Gov's own stats.

 I joked about "being in the control group" of the unvaccinated while the mRNA experimental gene jabs are mandated on almost everyone else.   This is beyond funny, beyond horror.  The formerly
low risk but vaccinated people under sixty are now twice as likely to die as their unvaccinated counterparts in the UK.  Please God, do not let your little kids be vaccinated too.

Check the source yourself:

US Labour Force Participation: Trending down for decades, sudden Covid drop, then new lower normal.

 Chart found here.  Do I detect a small trend change upwards during the Trump administration?

Friday 19 November 2021

Caterpillars travelling in a rolling ball!

Advancing over top of each other, the group travels faster than the individual!

DRUG DEATHS: US may have the worst record of any wealthy country and the killer component of 2/3 of those deaths is shipped from China.

 Wealthy European countries have about one tenth the drug deaths of United States.  

And what's the main component of those American drug deaths, a component that has come on the scene in the last ten years, a component that is manufactured and shipped from China with Xi's indiference or worse?  Fentanyl.   h/t  powerlineblog  (This doesn't address why the drugs find a welcome).

The Strength of the Border Wall is the Will to Keep it.

This border apprehension graph is mind-popping for me.  Seeing the Trump calm with raging seas of Obama and Biden border-swarming either side is unforgettable.  The wall that Trump built is still standing but the flood returned.  The lure of hope away from their native lands and the promotion and financing by America's enemies turned the migrant flood back on.  h/t powerlineblog
Border site here from which the data points were extracted.

Dating and Internet Dating are the same thing now.

Dating and Internet Dating are the same thing now.  Eating-out is the runner-up and the big time losers are face-to-face relationships with shared purpose and heritage.  Families have shrunk and with it have shrunk opportunities to network.  People aren't getting to know their neighbours,  don't hang out with their school days' buddies and even friends-of-friends are less valuable in finding love and a mate.  On-line searches are so easy, especially during Covid lockdown seasons.  This isn't revulsion against traditional meetups which have became relatively costly, and in the case of family, rare.  Linked here

Thursday 18 November 2021


Richard Fernandez (Wretchard): 

"The elite are deeply stung by the realization that .. the phone book people don't like them."

9-1-1 Simple to imagine, crazily complex.

 The CRTC reviewed 9-1-1 service in Canada and revealed a complex high value service we scarcely understand.  And we want it to work right every time, right now, no matter what our emergency is.

Some examples from the link:

.Our call goes through a tangle of federal, provincial, municipal and corporate parties and policies and does so differently in different places.  Yet somehow our plea has to be bundled up, identified and responded to locally, accurately and promptly.   Nothing else governmental is this organized and operating in real time.

.9-1-1 manages to work thanks to the best efforts and goodwill of the actors.  To quote then commissioner Timothy Denton, "Today, the 9-1-1 system is working because first responders, PSAPs and telecommunications service providers make it work, not because the technology is flawless or its governance system adequate."

.NG-9-1-1- is "next generation" 9-1-1 and will allow text, information pages and video to be exchanged.

.Reverse 9-1-1 is the ability of your town or province to send emergency alerts in the other direction and this is becoming widespread.   You can't automatically run a branching emergency system in reverse but the bugs are being worked out.

.9-1-1 when it gives accurate longitude and latitude information doesn't give height.  Are you in a parking garage or on the fifth floor of an apartment building?

.The biggest critical shortcoming is accurate location information.  Thanks to VOIP, many calls to 9-1-1 have fuzzy auto-location, sometimes with several blocks radius of uncertainty.  Below is Section 212 reporting on location accuracy testing.  The tiny inner circle is 100m accuracy.  The very pale blue circle is 300m accuracy.  The yellow circle is 1000m accuracy. The dots are the location results, coloured for three different phone services.   (See also sections 214 and 215 showing an example where almost one call in six was only known to the 1000m accuracy standard.)

212. As part of this process, TruePosition submitted a presentation regarding a testing initiative that they undertook in the Canadian marketplace to better understand the quality of information being received by PSAPs with respect to location accuracy in different Canadian cities. Roughly speaking, the methodology involved placing calls to selected PSAPs from outdoor and indoor locations, and using three different mobile providers in each region to validate data. Below is an illustration of the results from placing test calls from an indoor location in Fredericton. The different-coloured dots indicate the different carriers, and the three circles represent a 100-metre, 300-metre and 1,000-metre radius from the actual call location.

The picture is part of a satellite view of Fredericton. Different-coloured dots indicate the different carriers (Bell, Rogers, Telus), and three circles represent a 100-metre, 300-metre and 1,000-metre radius from the actual call location.

The Twitterati promote "Succession" while ten times as many Americans watch number one yet uncelebrated "Yellowstone"

 What's popular?  The Twitterati with their fingers on the scale will tell you what books and shows and politicians are popular and generally will lie liberally for their coccoon favourites.  

The latst example is the show "Yellowstone" only available on the Paramount Channel, a channel you probably haven't heard of.  Fifteen million people have found their way there for entertainment without getting headlines.  Meanwhile, "Succession" is getting headline attention with under two million viewers on its best days.  "Yellowstone" is not just popular, it's the top drama, beat only by sports.  The link goes to a story in the New York Post.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Houston Hospital Loses Good Doctor Over Covid Follies

 Dr. Bowden of Houston Methodist Hospital writes a perfect Covid resignation letter after treating over 2000 patients and being attacked for having opinions on social media.  She sticks to her guns, sticks with science, and shows respect to her tormenters.

Monday 15 November 2021

Add burner numbers to your existing phone with an app that protects your privacy when buying and selling from strangers or dating on-line.

You don't need to buy a throw-away "Burner" phone to be untraceable.  Add an app to your phone to rent additional blind numbers that will be routed through the the Burner site to your own phone.  The oldest supplier is called, unsurprisingly, Burner.  This has got to be especially helpful for dealing with strangers on dating sites and for buying and selling with strangers, and to consolidate other phone numbers to ring your phone.

You can pick a number at their web site for your area code with a 7 day free trial.  Go for a prepaid number of calls and texts in $5 increments, or rent the numbers monthly (About $5/line) or annually (About $50 per line).

Other suppliers are Hushed, Sideline and Flyp, written up at here with links and reviews.

In BC the Face Coverings Order and the Provincial State of Emergency order were both repealed June 30 2021. Ministerial orders M274 and M275. But there's still a mask mandate? See Bonny Henry's version.

You didn't know that, did you? Here are the two signed ministerial orders.  Also attached is the Provincial Health Act regarding what happens after a State of Emergency is ended.  Below that is the latest "mask mandate".   Bonnie Henry serves at Mike Farnsworth's pleasure and signed her own order below in her own name a few days ago, claiming a state of emergency exists.

M275 repeals the Provincial State of Emergency. (Search on line for BC Ministerial Order M073/2021
to read the original one page declaration of Provincial State of Emergency.)

M274 repeals the Face Coverings Ministerial Order No. M012/2021


This is the BC Public Health Act and below is the passage about Government responsibilities after ending a state of emergency.  Part 5 covers Emergency Powers and Division 3 of Part 5 covers the responsibilities when an emergency is over.

But we still have a face coverings order. How is that possible?  The above orders are Ministerial Orders, signed by Mike Farnsworth.    Bonnie Henry serves at Farnsworth's pleasure and it is her signature on Provincial Health Order 419, updated October 29th, which has the colour of law nowadays.  Her authority to sign this is supported when there's a Provincial State of Emergency, as I understand it.     But there isn't one.
The Order of The Provincial Health Officer entitled "FACE COVERINGS (COVID-19) - October 29,2021" is published here with lots of detail about who can do what but no links to what "demonstrably justifies"  means for disregarding individual liberties and rights. (She acknowledges charter rights in Bullet Point M).  She also acknowledges that the vaccinated can also be infected with the virus.

UK Remembrance day bombing: Footage shows hero was still in the car!

It's pretty clear only the primer went off.  The heroic David Perry had locked himself into the cab with the bomber.  He opens the door and climbs out four seconds after the explosion in the hospital turnaround.  Unfrickingbelieveable.  Elsewhere I read that he had locked the doors after the passenger switched destinations and was fumbling with a vest which had a visible light.   Destination 1:  Anglican Cathedral where a couple thousand military were assembled for 11:00 a.m. Remembrance ceremonies.   Destination 2, after road closures encountered: Hospital where bomb primer exploded at 10:59 a.m.  November 11th.

The cab enters the frame at 20 seconds, the primer explodes at 25 seconds and David opens the door at 31 seconds.

You became a target when the Internet gave you influence

Empowered or just escaped

The small story is that Internet free stuff like Facebook is free because YOU are the content and your life can be sold. The big story is that when the Internet empowered you to have influence, you destabilized the world's power structures.  Citizens gained sovereign influence and the power brokers lost market share. The fight is underway to buy up that influence and re-apportion it among powerful players.  Deep state players have lately got the upper hand with Covid fear tactics.

Omarosa backfire: Leaked 2018 tape showed Trump was on top of the Hillary Hoax and knew more then than we know today

Omarosa's spiteful shot at Trump in 2018 is worth revisiting.  Not only did Trump know back then that Hillary was behind the Russia Collusion Hoax but he had sources telling him how much was spent to fund the attack.  He had heard it was 5.7 million but recently learned it was closer to 9.0 million.  The dollar amount didn't get much press.  That Omarosa mocked him for believing the truth, that Hillary and her cabal had funded the hoax, that got all the press and took the oxygen out of the room.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Excerpted from the tape dating from 2018:

"Trump: Did you see? Nobody knows who spent it. No, I heard it was nine. I heard it was 5.7 but now they say it was nine. It was spent through a law firm that way they can’t trace it. But they traced it. One thing in this business is they trace it. And, yeah, close to $9 million. I can’t even believe it. The reason a law firm is because this way you don’t have to give any papers. But they found out, it’s definitely illegal and it’s illegal from a campaign standpoint, from a campaign financing standpoint. So the whole Russia thing, I think seems to have turned around. What do you think, Sarah?"

Nanaimo Restaurant Stands Tall Against Vax Mandate, Pays Big Price to Keep Going.

Pirate Chips in Nanaimo is open for business and you are welcome. 
This shouldn't be news, but it is. 

Keep it legal but don't submit must be owner Angela's guide.  She gave up her liquor licence and downgraded the front-end service to Take Out style.   When you get your order, you can sit at a warm table and enjoy her hospitality.  

Other places have quarantine order windows for the unvaccinated, have strung tape like spider webbing over the seating, or make you sit on a bench outside in the rain.  And treat you like an alien.

Just in case you missed the message, she's  posted her WE DO NOT DISCRIMINATE
message on the front door. 

YouTube admits the obvious: It's hiding millions of Biden (and Harris) dislikes.

 This is new news but back in April, eight weeks after Biden's inauguration,  "YouTube Deleted 2.5 Million ‘Dislikes’ From Biden White House Videos, Data Indicates"

Now it's admitted YouTube policy, to protect the president and vice president from ignominy.

Kids having strokes, athletes dropping dead on the field this year: Why?


A video clip here of athletes dropping suddenly while on the field this year.

Below is part of the list of 75 European athletes who died unexpectedly in their prime this year.