Friday 22 July 2011

Egyptian sitcom with Jews trafficking in human organs.(MEMRI)

MEMRI transcription from Mehwar channel skit,
July 17th Egypt.
Egyptian actress: "The Jews trade in everything, so obviously they have not neglected organ trafficking. I have recently seen someone haggle over a pancreas in order to save five shekels."
"Jewish" grandfather: "What is this weird news?"
Elisha, grandson: "Grandpa, why are you so surprised?"
Grandfather: "This news would make even a glutton like you stop eating."
Granddaughter: "What's the news, grandpa? That newspaper is from yesterday."
Grandfather: "That's the strange thing. It is from yesterday and I only noticed it now. This news is worth 100,000 shekels."
Elisha, grandson: "I'm reading an item about the Knesset. How much is it worth, grandpa?"
Grandfather: "Shut up. Someone here wants to buy a kidney for 100,000 shekels."
Elisha, grandson: "A kidney for 100,000?! How much for the entire cadaver?"
Grandfather: "Do the math – how much for a liver, how much for a pancreas, a spleen, a brain, and a mouth?"
Elisha, grandson: "The brain should be calculated separately."
Grandfather: "Speak for yourself. Your brain wouldn't fetch even a single shekel.

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