Saturday, 31 August 2013

Expanding spiralling spirals- your absolute motion in space.

Though I stand simply on the earth....
I have a continuous existence along a spiralling trajectory when pictured from an absolute reference point. To see my whole life from end to end is to see a spiralling spiral, like coiling coils of slinkies.  I wink into existence at a new point and out of existence at a previous but if I left a smoke trail like an air show stunt plane, you'd see a hyper object shaped like coiling coils of slinkies.

I spin a full circle daily as the surface of the earth turns
(spiralling up to 1300 km/hr)
as it turns about its sun every 365 days
(a spiral of the spiral rotating about 70,000 km/hr)
which is moving in a local star group
(an apparent third spiral)
that is turning in the second arm of our galaxy
(a fourth spiral rotating about 800,000 km/hr)
that is moving relative to other galaxy groups
(a possible fifth spiral-like motion)
that is embedded in expanding space like raisins in rising dough.

Slinky illustrates the continuous trajectory
of your body on its daily spin of earth
for half a rotation about the sun.
Imagine the rest.
Imagine your motion through space viewed from a fixed reference point. (the hypothetical averaged location of all particles in the universe).  I've searched the internet for images of this type of motion and come up almost empty.     A slinky illustrates the daily turning and half a year's progress about the sun.  Expand this to a full loop and then to a lifetime of loops about the sun... and supercharge it with two or three more rotations and gently enlarge the space this all happens in. You get a picture of your physical existence seen all at once from a fixed vantage point.

This is the absolute motion described by
the simplest piece of dung on earth.  Life is about simplification, so we set the expanding spiralling spiralling spirals to ZERO to simplify the daily walkabout math.

Update:  Found one image, a 57,000 year projection of a trojan asteroid's path,
cuddled at a Lagrangian point of Uranus.

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