Thursday 20 January 2022

Bonnie Henry (works for Dix) orders everything on her personal say so.

Have a look at these thirteen pages of bureaucratic fiat she just authored for all school boards and teachers the other day, after two years of Public Health Orders.  It's a stealth vax mandate for them all.   She gives 26 WHEREAS's before getting to a little lip service quoted from the law of Canada: 

"I recognize that constitutionally protected interests include the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including specifically freedom of religion and conscience, freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, and the right not to be deprived of life, liberty or security of the person, other than in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. I understand that making decisions about whether to get vaccinated may engage these rights and freedoms. However, these rights and freedoms are not absolute and are subject to such reasonable limits, prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society."

Although the highlight is directly quoted from our constitution,  it doesn't mean a darn thing here because absolutely nothing is demonstrated.  She states what her bosses have okayed in these pages and every single word is undocumented.  You cannot begin to trace any statement to any body of evidence because it is all buried behind her say-so.  Who appointed her chief scientist and lawmaker?  

We are citizens and not subjects.  We are entitled to know what drives the mouthpiece of our government. Give us access to the data you count on and to the debates that have now been crystalised as PHO's with only one viewpoint in evidence.

Why is this a stealth mandate?  It implies a vaccination mandate but peters out in the EMPLOYER TO COLLECT section, subclause 4, "When putting in place measures to prevent, mitigate or respond to the spread of infection in a school, the employer must proceed on the basis that a staff member who has not provided proof of vaccination is unvaccinated."   What she has done here is put the onus on the educators to use this intensely critically highlighted information that they are obligated to collect.  They are on the hook, not her.  The second last sentence anticpates trouble:  "If you fail to comply with this Order, I have the authority to take enforcement acdtion against you".

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