Saturday 8 January 2022

Infection Rate for Omicron in Ontario suddenly much higher for the Vaxxed than the UnVaxxed

The chart shows how many Ontarians per hundred thousand tested positive in both two groups.  That's a fair comparison. The opposite was up to a month ago.  No longer!!!   (Don't be confused by the straight line for the unvaccinated.    It just shows that at whatever rate the unvaccinated were getting infected, the vaccinated were having breakthrough infections at about a quarter that rate until November and then things reversed.)       There's a "but".  See below.

The "BUT".  The total number of hospitaliztions per 100,000 is still slightly higher for the unvaccinated.  The vaccinated had an 800% advantage but now have a 50% advantage, changing rapidly.  As McIntyre says, if your data isn't up to date, it's not useful 

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