Political correctness is the ancient hysteria that burnt witches and staked vampires. A little kid in Alabama was used as a
scapegoat offering by school officials who wanted to abjure Satan and all his works and bring back goodness to their community. They got their holiness back after apprehending the five year kid who said "pew pew" with a crayon gun. She was made to recant, sign a confession she didn't understand and evicted from the fellowship. I don't see a difference between Iron Age hysteria and this magical behaviour to stave off harm.

It's as old as the hills.
They are still digging up ancient corpses in Europe with stakes through the heart, stakes put there by a PC community of believers who found a ritual to keep their village safe from vampires.
A Mobile, Ala., mom says school officials forced her daughter to sign a contract promising not to commit suicide or harm others after the kindergartner "drew something that resembled a gun," then pointed a crayon at another kid and said "pew, pew!" 5-year-old Elizabeth was sent home after school officials made her take a questionnaire .. evaluating her for suicidal thoughts, then had her sign the safety contract promising to contact an adult if she was thinking of suicide or homicide. This all happened while her mom waited in the lobby to pick her up. According to her mom, Elizabeth didn't know most of the words on the contract she signed. "Suicide," in particular, was a new one for her. "Mommy, daddy, what is suicide?" Elizabeth's mother says she asked.